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A Sammamish Hillside…Seriously, Like The Whole Thing

From Steve H. - Sammamish, WA PROJECT: This blank canvas of a backyard presented an obvious but desirable challenge right off the bat, a beautiful albeit very steep natural slope that was screaming for a water feature. This slope gave us a chance to push our excavator piloting skills to the max, but it also provided all of the additional dirt we would eventually need to level out either side of the resulting water feature. As you browse these images, you will be able to see that our client was looking for something that had the appearance of a very naturally occurring water flow. The start of this feature began at the top of the tree line and concluded in what is described as “a pondless finish.” Pondless, in this application, provided a hidden reservoir collection point underneath the rocks at the bottom of the last waterfall element (1 of 3 waterfalls) that redistributed the water back to the top of the feature…over 40 feet to the top of the hill.

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